Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You DESERVE to be single......

Ok so for whatever reason, upon meeting me, people never believe Im single. Its super flattering,but also annoying as hell when they insist on knowing "why" I'm single, or what's my "thing" that wont "allow" me to be in a relationship. It's soooo annpying that people can't seem to accept the fact that not all women need a man/relationship to define her....some of us are self sufficient enough to make it on our own, so to speak. Even at manager can NOT believe that I'm single and hardly ever even date....seriously, she cant get passed it. She wanted to create an Eharmony profile for me....shit is crazy to me. Ive def met men and women and thought to myself "damn,why the FUCK is he/she single" but I've always chalked it up to the fact that either they WANT to be single or they havent found "the one"....either way, no big deal to me.I've been told that I don't "deserve" to be single, like being single is some kind of WTF?!?!? People have things alllll wrong, I'm single and happily so. I have my "days" or whatever but I'm good.There are certain people who DO "deserve" to be single. By deserve I mean, are not "ready" to be in a relationship,therefore deserve to be single....follow me? I've come up with a few examples of the types that in my not so humble opinion DESERVE to be single....they're just NOT ready.....

1.Miss "I don't know what I want"
You want a boyfriend, why??Because your ex moved on?Because your bestie finally got a man and wants to double date? Because you've been dying to change your fr relationship status?You're being an ass.Do you know what you have?!?!?! FREEDOM!! You can do whatever you want to,you can go wherever you want to, you can flirt, you can fuck, and you dont have to answer to ANYBODY.BEING SINGLE IS GREAT!!IT HAS HONESTLY TAUGHT ME SOOOOOO MUCH ABOUT MYSELF AND WHAT I WANT IN A MAN.WHO CARES ABOUT BEING BORED??THE MALLS ARE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK AND THERE IS ALWAYS A NIGGA WILLING/WAITING TO TAKE YOU OUT....DO YOU!! Do you REALLY want some dirty nigga snoring in your ear at night,farting and being gross??NO! The arguments over nothing,the ex-girlfriend drama,the competition with the x-box, the lnigering question of if he really likes YOU or just the way you __________(fill in blank with your bedroom so often lose sight of what they want, we alllll have "plans" and desires in life, but as soon as a nigga with tatts and "swagg", you're "list" dwindles to ONE thing.....ANYTHING he's doing.It's no longer about what you want,it's what HE wants...and no person REALLY wants that shit....thats part of why I m single now: I know what I want and Im sticking to my guns....Ive been that female that lost sight of the things that mattered to me, for the sake of the guy I THOUGHT I wanted to be with....thats weak and wack as shit. Ladies: figure out what YOU want and you will get exactly that. It may not be on your timing, but your timing WILL come.You cant go into a relationship wanting nothing but the man you are getting into the relationship with and get mad when he gives you a shitty relationship. Going in, you had no requirements,you had no expectations, your only desire was that man, which is what you got.

2.Ms. Pac Man
We women LOVED to be "chased", and men love the chase,short and simple.But what happens when you get causght? It's not always "happily ever after", in 2 months, you'll be flirting with the new guy at ur job, he'll be dicking down some chick in his apt complex, ur cooter won't tingle the same way it used to now that ur getting boned by the same guy on a consistent basis. As women, our entire swag is built around being a cock tease.Why do you think I'm so happy/content with being single?? Because I know that if I needed anything from dick to an oil change,there are a bunch of niggas in my phone that will do exactly as I say in hopes to being a step closer to getting what's in my panties....the way of the world.But once ur "bagged" and you have to deal with ONE dude instead of as many as you want to on your OWN accord, you feel like something is "lacking" miss the slick talk of the nigga who had no clue he was this- close to getting the goods because you played ur role so well, you miss the random text messages from random guys who's faces u dont even remember calling you miss all the shit you gave up when you jumped ur ass in a relationship. There is NOTHING wrong with the chase...I live for the chase, but be sure your ready to give up the chase BEFORE you get into a relationship, or else, there is no way you can be faithful or even happy in a relationship, regardless of how good the guy is.

3. Your living in the past
What I mean by this is: you ae still salty over your last break up,you still dont trust men because the last one you dated did you grimey,you dont trust men because of all that your last guy put you through, your motto is "all men are dogs" or "niggas ain't shit" and the like. In my personal opinion, aside from cheating, "living in the past" takes the cake as far as the demise of many relationships.It's fucked up....I understand it though.As a woman who has been cheated on,disrescpected,ect all by a man I loved and was in a full on-live in relationship with, I fully inderstand how hard it is to move on from something that meant so much to you that ended up being a pot of bullshit...I know. I know that once you feel like you've invested everything you had in a man/relationship to have it blow up in your face, makes you feel like men arent shit...I know. This too is another piece of the "why im single puzzle"It's not that I think all men are dogs or are all the same, I KNOW better.....I just am not in a place to where I feel like I;m "over" my last relationship...not in the sense of still having feelings for my ex...more in the sense of KNOWING that I am in no position to "try" and trust a guy with my guard is WAY up, and has been since the demise of that relationship, and it's been a while. I think that KNOWING this about myself has kept me out of a lot of potential arguing,bs,hurt feelings,ect that can all come if 2 people are in a relationship and one doesnt trust the other,ESPECIALLY when that current partner hasnt done anything to break that trust. I dont want to be that girl who is meserable with past events that hold no relevance to her current relationship, I also dont want to drive a guy mad with false accusations of what I "KNOW" he did, just because the last guy bueno. You know if ur fully "over" something or someone...take your time...let ur wounds heal. Dont think you can replace the old guy with a new one, because you cant. The bottom line is that if you're still dwelling on something from the past, you are subconciously damning your future....My motto is"Let go BEFORE you 'latch' on" lol

There are many different types that deserve to be single: the party girl,the gold digger,"god's gift",ect but I can't do too much typimg, because I'm at work and have shit to do Know yourself,wants,needs,ect. Dont be hungry or pressed to get into a relationship...a relationship will find you and those are normally the best one's.Don't get into a relationship just for the look of wont work!If you're ready then do it, but if ur not and you KNOW ur not...fall back a bit.Let nature take it's your life and have fun in the mean time, that way, when you DO get bagged, you wont regret any time spent BEFORE you got into the relationship.